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Please click on document below to see our admission procedures. Visits are welcomed at any time and can be arranged by calling the school office for an appointment on 01278 722527. 

Admissions Arrangements

Starting school in Reception? 

We follow the County's procedure for school starting - you can find the full details here. We welcome Reception children in September.

After you have received notice that your child has a place at Catcott Primary School, the Headteacher will write to you to welcome you into our school. The Headteacher will invite you to attend an information evening, where you can meet members of staff, get to know other parents, and even sample the freshly-cooked, free school meals on offer to all Reception and KS1 children. This time is an open session, for parents and children to drop in.

Starting School

Reception children are invited to attend school full time from their very first day. 

In year applications?

If you are looking to apply for a school place in year, then you should contact the school office by telephone (01278 722527) or by email ( to request a meeting with the Headteacher. A tour of the school will be arranged and you can discuss your specific needs with the Headteacher. 

All in year applications are considered on an individual basis, but where a class size is in excess of 30 (our planned admission number) we will always have to consult with the Local Authority. Where possible we always try to accommodate children who want to come to Catcott!