School Uniform
Our School Uniform
The Governors and staff strongly encourage the wearing of school uniform believing that it promotes a sense of belonging, raises the tone of the school and is appreciated by the parents.
Our uniform is:
Navy blue or black skirt, shorts, trousers or summer dress.
White polo shirt.
Navy blue sweatshirt/cardigan (with or without the embroidered school logo).
Black, low-heeled shoes. (Not open sandals). We encourage children to be active at play and lunchtime so black trainers are accepted as part of uniform.
P.E. uniform- this should be worn to school on PE days
Plain navy or black shorts / plain navy or black tracksuit bottoms
Plain white T-shirt (for Reception children); A plain T-shirt in the colour of the child's house
Plain navy sweatshirt
Earrings should be removed or covered up for PE lessons.
Hair should be tied up- our children are active and this can cause safety issues. If it is long enough to be tied up, please do.
Please ensure all items are clearly marked with your child’s name.
Book bags and kit bags are also available with the school logo (optional).
Ordering Branded School Uniform
Branded school uniform is optional. Should you wish to purchase branded uniform this can be ordered directly from Brigade Clothing. This service has been set up with us to enable you to order logoed uniform online at your convenience with delivery to your door. The site is easy to use. Just register your details the first time you log on, and you will be given a passcode which you can use each time you place an order.
Log on to enter the school name and select the school from the dropdown list.